Any questions about NOVUM Hospitality?


Here you will find answers to your questions

  • arrow_forwardWhy a job in the hotel industry?
    The hotel industry is multifaceted, every day is different and it never gets boring. Especially if you can't imagine sitting at a desk all day or always having the same daily routine, you should think about joining the hotel industry. The hotel industry is open to career changers and, unlike other industries, offers the opportunity to move up quickly or to get to know other areas. And the best thing about it: The guests are grateful for your commitment. A great feeling!
  • arrow_forwardWhat jobs are there in the hotel industry?
    In order for the guest to feel comfortable in the hotel, the service must be right in every area. Therefore, the hotel industry offers a variety of job opportunities, which you can see listed here - the additional titles already tell you something about the job:

    Front Office Agent - "The Welcome Man"*
    The front office agent is also called the receptionist and is the first point of contact for our guests. He checks them in, explains the house rules, processes reservations and is otherwise available to answer questions from the guest.

    Night Audit - "The Night Owl"*
    Our hotels are open 24/7, so the reception must also be manned at night. The night auditor takes care of all matters at reception at night: he makes security rounds, the end of the day and checks out the first guests in the morning or late arrivals late in the evening.

    Chambermaid – “The Cleaning Fairy”*
    The "cleaning fairies" are responsible for ensuring that the visiting card of the house, i.e. the rooms, is always presentable. With an eye for detail, they also discover small dust grains or hair in the sink.

    Maid - "The Inspector"*
    A housekeeper writes the housekeeping rosters, has an overview of the department (housekeeping) and checks the rooms for cleanliness. A room will only be released for arrival when the housekeeping lady has carried out the final check.

    House technician – “The all-rounder”*
    In a hotel and especially when there are many guests, there are of course little things that need to be repaired, renewed or replaced. The "all-rounder" changes lightbulbs, touches up wall paint or even seals bathroom tiles.

    Chef / Kitchen Helper - "The Food Artist"*
    Some of our hotels not only serve breakfast, but also lunch and dinner. In order to get our guests full at these mealtimes, we need cooks and hard-working kitchen helpers.

    Service / breakfast staff - "The Pleasure Bringers"*
    Our "pleasure bringers" work in our restaurants. Whether for breakfast or dinner, they greet our guests with a smile and offer them coffee or a glass of wine in the evening. They also regularly stock the buffet or serve the guest directly at the table.

    Commercial activity in our head office
    So that our hotels can also be looked after administratively, we have various specialist departments in our head office in Hamburg. Very different areas are located here, from IT to finance, property management, facility management, a central reservations department and human resources.

    *The job title does not mean the male variant, but stands for the gender-neutral description of the profession. People are welcome regardless of gender, origin, sexual orientation and religion.
  • arrow_forwardIn which area can I work as a career changer?
    As a career changer in the hotel industry, one thing is particularly important to us: an open and friendly personality who wants to help shape things and is flexible in his working hours. You should also enjoy working in a team, having contact with guests and getting involved when colleagues from other departments need help. In general, it is possible to start in the positions of breakfast service, service employee, front office agent, night auditor and chambermaid or houseman. You can find a more detailed description of the positions under the previous question.
  • arrow_forwardHow much do I earn?
    This question is difficult to answer because there are different salary structures across Germany. The salary package is determined according to the collective bargaining agreement, the respective department and the degree of responsibility of the position.
  • arrow_forwardHow long do I work?
    We have different time models in the hotels. A normal working week is 40 hours in most departments, excluding breaks. So five working days per week with eight hours of work each and a 30-minute break. In the breakfast service, however, we usually award hourly contracts that are paid per hour and offer the opportunity to work part-time between 20 and 30 hours. Of course, we also hire employees on a temporary basis (EUR 520.00) who only work up to eight or ten hours a week, depending on the hourly wage. In our head office in Hamburg, most employees work full-time (40 hours/week). However, we also offer the opportunity to work part-time (e.g. 24 hours a week) after maternity leave, for example.
  • arrow_forwardHow much holiday do I have?
    Holiday entitlement is regulated in some federal states by collective agreements, in others the statutory minimum entitlement of 20 holiday days per year applies. Holiday entitlement amounts therefore vary by state and department. You can also ask the question directly during an interview.
  • arrow_forwardHow does the application process work?
    In order to make the application process easier for you, you are welcome to send us your application directly via the "Application button" of the respective advertisement. As soon as we have received your application, we will review it and discuss it with the specialist department. You will then receive feedback on your application from us as soon as possible. If we are interested in your profile, we will call you and make an appointment to get to know you personally. During the interview we will discuss all the important questions. If both parties then agree, we can either arrange a taster day or conclude a contract directly.
  • arrow_forwardIs there accommodation for employees?
    If necessary, we can provide employees with accommodation in one of our hotels for the first 6 months at a non-cash value. The billing of the hotel room runs through the payroll.

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NOVUM Hospitality
An der Alster 63
20099 Hamburg

phone +49 40 600 808 324
