Hotels in Berlin
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4 Hotels in Berlin

Visiting Berlin: Discover Sightseeing Highlights

\r\nAs Germany's capital Berlin is a very attractive destination - whether for private vacations and city trips or as part of a corporate stay. Business, culture, events, politics and parties: Berlin is where all the hubs of the urban lifestyle come together.

Until 1989, the Berlin Wall divided the city into two parts. Numerous reminders of this historic period are still present today: marvel at the colorful Wall graffiti on the East Side Gallery or visit the Wall Museum at Checkpoint Charlie. Also an absolute must for Berlin visitors are the Alexanderplatz with the TV Tower, the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag as well as the Museum Island. If you long for nature even in the big city, you don't have to look far in Germany's largest metropolis: Spacious green areas such as Mauerpark and Tiergarten invite you to relax.

Party-hungry people can look forward to visiting numerous bars and clubs, such as the world-famous Berghain. After an eventful day in Berlin, make yourself comfortable in a NOVUM Hospitality hotel.
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Important fairs and events
in Berlin

Hier einige wichtige Messen in Berlin: Humanitärer Kongress Berlin [Oktober), OSTPRO Berlin [Oktober), Bazaar Berlin [November), BOOT & FUN BERLIN [November), Transporter Tage Berlin [November), Smart Country Convention [Oktober), Bautec [Februar), CWIEME Berlin [Mai), IFA [September), Fashionweek [September).
Zu den wichtigen Veranstaltungen in Berlin gehört die Berlinale [Februar) - die Internationale Filmfestspiele finden jedes Jahr in Berlin statt. Diese Veranstaltung zieht Zehntausende Besucher*innen aus aller Welt an.
Die BLUE MAN GROUP ist eine Theatervorstellung für Jung und Alt und ist sehr amüsant.
Jazzfest Berlin - Eingebunden in die Berliner Festspiele bildet das Jazzfest Berlin den krönenden Abschluss eines jeden Jazzjahres.
Wer die Geschichte der DDR besser verstehen möchte, sollte sich die Veranstaltung \"\"Alltag in der DDR\"\" [Mai) im Museum in der Kulturbrauerei anschauen.
Schifffahrten auf der Spree
Entdecken Sie bei einer Bootstour auf der Spree einige der bedeutendsten Denkmäler, Gebäude und Museen sowie zahlreiche Brücken Berlins.
Die Novum Hospitality betreibt in Berlin 15 Hotels in zentraler lage. Besonders geeignet für Städtereisen oder Messebesucher.

Berlin attractions -
sightseeing in Berlin

Berlin is a city full of history and culture that has many sights to offer. Whether you love art, history or architecture, there is something for everyone to see in Berlin. One of the most famous sights is undoubtedly the Brandenburg Gate. This imposing landmark of the city is a symbol of German unity and was built in the 18th century. The gate is not only beautiful to look at, but also a popular place for tourists and locals to take photos and enjoy the atmosphere of the city. Also very famous is the Berlin TV Tower, which is the tallest building in Germany with its 368 meters. From the observation deck you can enjoy a spectacular view of the city and its many sights. Another highlight is the Charlottenburg Palace, a magnificent baroque palace built in the 17th century. Here, visitors can not only admire the impressive architecture, but also explore the magnificent interiors with their paintings, furniture and works of art. For art lovers, there are numerous museums in Berlin, including the famous Museum Island, which houses five renowned museums. Here you can admire masterpieces of antiquity, the Middle Ages and modern times, including the famous bust of Nefertiti. And, of course, we must not forget the Berlin Wall, which for decades divided the city into East and West. Today, only a few remnants of the wall remain, but you can still see it at various places in the city, such as Checkpoint Charlie or the East Side Gallery.

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