Hotels in Hamburg
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12 Hotels in Hamburg

Off to the north: Your stay in Hamburg
\r\n Whether it's a business trip, a family vacation or a city break, thousands of people visit Hamburg every day. For centuries, the city on the Elbe river has been known as Germany's \"gateway to the world\". And for good reason: In Hamburg, tradition and progress, business and leisure, combine to form a harmonious whole - there is a lot to discover!

Probably the most important sight in Hamburg, apart from the Port of Hamburg, is the historic Speicherstadt, a huge warehouse complex crisscrossed by waterways. The nearby Elbphilharmonie Concert Hall also attracts numerous tourists with its contemporary architecture. If you would like to plunge into the nightlife, a visit to the Reeperbahn is not to be missed. If you prefer to take it easy, opt for a walk in \"Planten un Blomen\", a spacious park in the center. Also worth seeing are Hamburg's \"Michel\", the Kunsthalle, the Miniatur Wunderland and the Landungsbrücken.

Whether you are visiting Hamburg for business or pleasure, regardless of whether you put culture, partying or business on your personal to-do list: We offer you modern yet relaxed accommodation for your stay in the Hanseatic city and welcome you with a warm \"Moin\"
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Important fairs and events
in Hamburg

Some important international trade fairs and congresses take place regularly in Hamburg. These include NORTEC [January), Internorga [March), Hansepferd [April), Marine Interiors [September) and Aircraft Interiors [September).
Hamburg is also the venue for major events and well-known sporting events: the Hamburg Motorbike Days [February), the Hamburg Marathon [April), the WTA/ATP tennis tournament Hamburg European Open [July), the Cyclassics [August) and various half marathons and triathlons take place in Hamburg every year.
The Hamburg Harbor Birthday in May is legendary, and the Hamburg Cherry Blossom Festival [May) and the Alster Fun are also well-known across the region. Three times a year, young and old enjoy the largest folk festival in the north, the \"Hamburger Dom\".
Novum Hospitality operates several modern, inexpensive trade fair hotels in Hamburg, where you can stay close to the action - always at fair prices.

Hamburg attractions -
sightseeing in Hamburg

The Port of Hamburg is one of the largest ports in Europe and an important hub for trade with the world. There are many ways to explore the port, such as a harbor cruise or a walk along the Landungsbrücken. Not far from the port is the Speicherstadt. Here you will find many old warehouses and canals, which are now UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Another must-see in the Hanseatic city is the Elbphilharmonie. It is a new concert hall in Hamburg and is considered one of the most architecturally impressive buildings in the city.
Reeperbahn is the most famous entertainment district in Hamburg and one of the most iconic streets in Germany. There are numerous bars, clubs as well as restaurants to be seen here. Also a walk along the Jungfernstieg should not be missing during your visit.
If you want to take a break from the hectic city life, you can relax in Planten un Blomen, a large garden in the middle of the city center. Finally, we would like to recommend a visit to the trendy Sternschanze district. Here restaurants, bars and individual boutiques line up and promise a very unique, authentic atmosphere in Hamburg.

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