Hotels in Haar
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1 Hotels in Haar

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Haar attractions -
sightseeing in Haar

The community of Haar is located directly on the eastern outskirts of the state capital Munich, next to the New Munich Trade Fair Center. Haar is a lively, family-friendly community with high residential value and good recreational opportunities. With 20,000 inhabitants, the independent municipality has a first-class infrastructure and transport connections. It is right next to the big city of Munich, but still in the countryside, far from the hustle and bustle of the big city. Haar is home to the community center, which regularly hosts cultural events. Haar also has a small theater, which is located in the Isar-Amper-Klinikum Park and is a real Art Nouveau jewel. The war memorial in front of the St. Konrad church also commemorates all victims of the Nazi tyranny.

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